Understanding How Preschool Benefits Kids For Life

Five Ways That Kids Benefit From Play

Today's parents and teachers seem to spend significant time and energy focusing on academics, but experts are finding out that play also has a substantial role in positive child development. Following are just five of the many benefits that kids can get from including play in the daily routine.

Play Allows Kids to Experience New Perspectives

Playing make believe games allows kids to experiment with a wide variety of perspectives and identities. They can see the world from the vantage point of a princess, slay a dragon, or explore new worlds as an old-school sea captain or futuristic spaceship pilot. Children can pretend to be anyone they like during sessions of active play, and this helps them to better understand others.

Play Stimulates Creativity

Imaginative play jump starts creativity in children, and those who have been encouraged to indulge in play are generally more creative as adults than their play-deprived counterparts. Creativity means more than being adept in arts, crafts, writing, or music; however the ability to think creatively is instrumental in problem solving and finding inventive solutions to a variety of situations.

Play Facilitates Better Behavior

Children who receive play breaks of 15 minutes or longer in academic settings behave better when class is in session. Children let off steam during play time as well as get much-needed physical exercise, making it easier for them to sit still and pay attention when the time comes to focus in the classroom. Face it, who doesn't think their kids could behave better on occasion? If your kids are acting up and you don't know, try adding a little extra playtime to their schedules. Make certain that your childcare provider incorporates a healthy amount of free-form play into the daily routine.

Play Helps Kids Stay Physically Fit

Regular physical activity helps reduce chances that kids will develop cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other lifestyle-related conditions as adults. It also helps them to develop and refine rudimentary motor skills, helps them sleep better, and encourages the development of lifelong good habits because those who learn to associate physical activity with fun are more likely to continue to seek out exercise opportunities as adults. 

Play Helps Kids cope with Anxiety

Imaginative play also offers kids a great way to cope with anxiety. The premise is simple -- play promotes relaxation and helps keeps kids feel comfortable. Anxiety disorders are well-represented among today's kids, and good, old-fashioned play helps to diminish worries.

For child care, contact an organization such as The Cottage School
